Message from the CEO
Dr Pat Giddings
Welcome to the first edition of our new quarterly e-newsletter, Journeys! With so much going on in the RVTS space, the newsletter will be a great avenue for providing updates on our work and achievements – and to introduce you to more members of our diverse RVTS family. Read more.
From South Africa to the Sunshine Coast: Meet Dr Ronda Gurney – our new Director of Training

As a young girl growing up in rural South Africa, Ronda Gurney wanted to be a teacher. Having completed her GP Fellowship with RVTS, she is now putting her passion for medicine and education to great use as RVTS’s Director of Training, while also working as a GP in Queensland. Read more.
Congratulations to our recently Fellowed registrars!
Dr Saif Abdulrahman
Dr Alaa Said
Dr Sheetal Bull
Dr Jeeuk Song
Dr Subrata Saha
Dr Ravi Kukreja
Dr Kiran Shrestha
Dr Natasha Lalani
Dr Maria Luisa Ventura-Reyes
Dr Derek Ike
Dr Kyaw Thant
Dr Lagan Grover
Dr Leigh-Anne Bingham
Dr Asif Alam Sazzad
Dr Mohammed Rayyan
Dr Nael Hussain
Dr Olayinka Omoniyi
Dr David Suthahar Selvanayagam
Dr Anand Patel
Dr Md Muzammel (Muz) Haque
Dr Phyo Ko Ko
Dr Gabrielle Diplock
Dr Ian Murphy
Farmer wants a wife…town gets a doctor

When Alison Jones decided to try her luck on a reality TV show back in 2010, she could not have imagined where her life would take her – including training as a specialist GP with RVTS. Read more.
Exit interview: Here’s what our recently Fellowed GP registrars are saying about us!
Having attained my GP Fellowship this year, I would like to thank all those at RVTS. You are amazing!
I applied for the training program just a few days before the closing date – I was initially hesitant to be enrolled as I was concerned about time commitments.
However, after I was selected and got to know more about the program, I found out how lucky I was to be part of RVTS and what I would have lost if I missed that opportunity.
Everyone at RVTS has been helpful in every way. I would be proud to be part of RVTS in the future. Thanks a lot, and I will be in touch through the alumni group.
Again, to all those at RVTS, you are amazing – keep up the good work!
Dr Md Muzammel (Muz) Haque
RVTS kept me ‘gently organised’ during my Fellowship journey, and on the right track with my studies – I’m not sure I would have continued on the journey without RVTS’s support!
I love Nabiac and the country lifestyle it offers, and will stay on in the area. I can’t imagine going back to the city! The local community has embraced me and I really feel like I belong here. I don’t drink alcohol but when the community heard that I had Fellowed they rallied around to help me celebrate with a non-alcoholic drink!
I really want to ensure that access to RVTS will continue for the next registrar who comes along here. I will be writing to my local member of Parliament about how I came to work at Nabiac, my journey to Fellowship and RVTS’s involvement and support.
Dr Nael Hussain
Road to paradise: Jacki Mein’s great RVTS adventure

After decades working as a doctor in Northern Australia, Dr Jacki Mein’s journey to becoming an RVTS registrar – and ultimately RVTS Chair – had a surprising start.
RVTS rolls out media releases to introduce our 2021 registrars

It has been a busy year on the RVTS media front, as we have rolled out media releases and social media welcoming registrars who have commenced their journey with us in 2021!
The media releases have gained significant interest from local media and also federal Members of Parliament – some of whom have then organised meetings with our registrars in their communities.
Click here to read each of the media releases we have issued on our 2021 cohort.
Some of the media coverage of our 2021 cohorts can be found below:
- The Wire national radio program
- ABC News Online
- Prime 7 TV News (story accessed via Facebook)
- 7 News Mackay (story accessed via Facebook)
Dr Gary Wood (at left in inset photo) – two of the registrars in RVTS’s 2021 intake.
Want the good news? Applications are still open to train with RVTS in 2022!

There’s good news…and there’s more good news!
Round 3 of applications for GP training in 2022 through our Remote Stream and Aboriginal Medical Service (AMS) Stream will open on 25 October and close on 12 November. Access to this pathway requires the doctor to already be working in their rural, remote or First Nations community. Read more here.
Meanwhile, we are still accepting applications for GP training in 2022 through our Targeted Recruitment Strategy. Under this pathway, doctors can access the RVTS training program by electing to move to a community where there is a significant medical workforce shortage. Click here for more information on the available locations and to apply.
Photo credit: Meg Jerrard on Unsplash.
Work with us!
RVTS is always interested to hear from experienced GPs from all over Australia who would like to inspire and support the next generation of GPs in rural, remote and First Nations communities.
You can provide this support as a:
- Supervisor
- Clinical Teaching Visitor
- Practice Experience Program (PEP) Mentor
Find out more by clicking here, and get involved in our great community and work.
Expression of Interest – Registrar Liaison Officer (RLO)
In keeping with the rotational nature of the role, we are currently inviting expressions of interest for the position of Registrar Liaison Officer (RLO), commencing in December 2021. The role is open to current RVTS registrars and also to RVTS registrars who have Fellowed within the past two years.
Our outgoing RLOs, Dr Leigh-Anne Bingham and Dr Mubashar Sherazi, will step down at the end of December 2021. Our other current RLO, Dr Andre Sannazzaro, will continue in his role until the second half of 2022.
It is anticipated that the new RLO will be appointed by the end of October and will work alongside Leigh-Anne, Mubashar and Andre until December 2021.
Please click here to view the RLO position description, and email your expression of interest to Kerryn Dwyer at [email protected] by COB this Wednesday, 13 October 2021.
We would like to thank Leigh-Anne and Mubashar for their significant contribution in maintaining a direct line of communication between RVTS registrars and our Education and Management teams, and wish them all the very best in their post-Fellowship careers.
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We welcome the sharing of our quarterly e-newsletter with interested colleagues! If this edition has come to you from someone else, subscribe here and we will add you to our distribution list for the next edition.
About our cover art
“Walking Together” is an artwork created by artist Wendy Rix for RVTS, using our existing corporate colours. “Walking Together” represents the healing journey that RVTS undertakes with patients, doctors, health staff and communities. The artwork was commissioned in line with the RVTS Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) and is 30x40cm acrylic on canvas. Wendy is a contemporary Indigenous visual artist living in Queensland, Australia. Her family are from Goodooga, New South Wales, and she is a descendant of the Yuwaalaraay people of that area. Wendy is a trained nurse, but painting is her passion. Read more at .