In this third episode of our 2023 Grand Round series, we hear a short excerpt from the Grand Round highlighting the experiences of one of our dedicated RVTS supervisors, Dr Akil Islam. His journey into rural health was via a rurally-bonded medical student scheme for Australian medical graduates. His experiences highlight the joys and challenges of living and working rurally in General Practice in Far North Queensland and discusses motivation, fatigue, health advocacy and ethics. 

RVTS 2023 Grand Round Series: Ever wondered why doctors choose to work in rural settings and what would encourage them to stay? In our 2023 RVTS Grand Round, we explored this very topic with the National Rural Health Commissioner, Adjunct Professor Dr. Ruth Stewart.  Alongside her, four RVTS registrars and supervisors shared their personal experiences and challenges in Rural Health, shedding light on specific barriers they faced to working in rural health, along with the positives of working in a rural community that have encouraged them to stay.  

This is the third of four episodes in this series.  

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