Workers Compensation and Return to Work is a topic that is challenging for registrars, but an area where we as a GPs can have a positive impact on the outcome, just by the way we approach the patient. A common presentation, like acute back pain following an injury at work, can become chronic and complicated if not managed appropriately, if incorrect information is provided, or if yellow flags are not identified and addressed early. Listen to the webinar excerpt with Dr Roger Lai to find out how to better manage these patients, and improve outcomes for workers and employers.
Dr Lai is an Occupational Physician with extensive experience in injury management, fitness for work, health surveillance and medical screening. Currently, he divides his time between private practice and consulting for the Department of Health, Department of Education and WA Police. He is also involved in junior doctor health and helped to develop Royal Perth Hospital’s junior doctor welfare program as well as being active on the Doctor Health Association WA committee. In this webinar excerpt, Dr Lai discusses very practical advice on managing patients who present after an injury at work, including tips on completing the documentation.
Registrars are encouraged to discuss Workers Compensation with their supervisors, as there are state specific regulations, documentation, requirements and nuances that are best discussed with someone in your local area.
Some useful resources are listed below for review in addition to state specific sites:
- NSW WorkCover – Workers Compensation Guide for Medical Practitioners
- WA WorkCover – GP Support
- AJGP Article: Returning to work after an Injury (AFP April 2013)